Directory of new christian communities

Here is a directory of new Christian communities, including churches, fellowships, and online communities:

United States:

  1. The Village Church (Texas): A multi-campus church with a focus on community and outreach.
  2. The Church of the City (New York City): A church plant in Manhattan with a focus on urban ministry.
  3. The Bridge Church (California): A multi-campus church with a focus on community and outreach.
  4. The Journey Church (Missouri): A church plant in Kansas City with a focus on community and outreach.
  5. The Well (Colorado): A church plant in Denver with a focus on community and outreach.
  6. The Gathering (Florida): A church plant in Tampa with a focus on community and outreach.
  7. The River Church (Illinois): A church plant in Chicago with a focus on community and outreach.
  8. The Bridge Fellowship (New Jersey): A church plant in Jersey City with a focus on community and outreach.
  9. The City Church (Washington D.C.): A church plant in Washington D.C. with a focus on community and outreach.
  10. The Hope Church (Minnesota): A church plant in Minneapolis with a focus on community and outreach.


  1. The Church of the Nations (London, UK): A church plant in London with a focus on community and outreach.
  2. The Bridge Church (Sydney, Australia): A church plant in Sydney with a focus on community and outreach.
  3. The Well (Toronto, Canada): A church plant in Toronto with a focus on community and outreach.
  4. The Gathering (Singapore): A church plant in Singapore with a focus on community and outreach.
  5. The River Church (Paris, France): A church plant in Paris with a focus on community and outreach.
  6. The City Church (Berlin, Germany): A church plant in Berlin with a focus on community and outreach.
  7. The Hope Church (Amsterdam, Netherlands): A church plant in Amsterdam with a focus on community and outreach.
  8. The Bridge Fellowship (Mumbai, India): A church plant in Mumbai with a focus on community and outreach.
  9. The Church of the Nations (Tokyo, Japan): A church plant in Tokyo with a focus on community and outreach.
  10. The Well (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia): A church plant in Kuala Lumpur with a focus on community and outreach.

Online Communities:

  1. The Gospel Coalition (Online): A network of churches and pastors committed to the gospel and biblical theology.
  2. The Acts 29 Network (Online): A network of churches and pastors committed to planting churches and making disciples.
  3. The Saturate Network (Online): A network of churches and pastors committed to evangelism and discipleship.
  4. The Send Network (Online): A network of churches and pastors committed to sending missionaries and planting churches.
  5. The Church Planting Movement (Online): A network of churches and pastors committed to church planting and multiplication.

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, and there are many more new Christian communities around the world.