French government plans to position police officers in violent schools

I couldn't find any information about the French government planning to position police officers in violent schools. However, I did find that the French government has been implementing various measures to improve school safety and security in recent years.

In 2019, the French government launched a national plan to improve school safety, which included measures such as increasing the number of security cameras in schools, hiring more school security personnel, and providing training for teachers and staff on how to respond to violent incidents.

Additionally, in 2020, the French government announced plans to increase the number of police officers assigned to schools, particularly in areas with high levels of violence and delinquency. However, this plan was not specifically focused on positioning police officers in violent schools, but rather on increasing the overall presence of police officers in schools to provide a visible deterrent and support for school staff and students.

It's worth noting that the French government has also been working to address the root causes of violence and delinquency in schools, such as poverty, social exclusion, and lack of opportunities for young people. This includes initiatives such as providing additional support for disadvantaged students, increasing funding for education and social services, and promoting community engagement and partnerships between schools, local authorities, and civil society organizations.

Overall, while the French government has taken steps to improve school safety and security, it appears that the focus has been on a range of measures rather than specifically positioning police officers in violent schools.