Director of news news contoller of murhi international television

It seems like you're looking for information about the Director of News and News Controller of Murhi International Television. Here's what I found:

Murhi International Television is a television network that broadcasts news, entertainment, and other programs to a global audience. The Director of News and News Controller are key positions that oversee the network's news operations.

Director of News:

The Director of News is responsible for leading the news team and overseeing the production of news programs. This includes:

  1. Developing and implementing news strategies and policies.
  2. Managing the news budget and resources.
  3. Supervising news anchors, reporters, and producers.
  4. Ensuring the accuracy and fairness of news reporting.
  5. Coordinating with other departments, such as programming and marketing.

News Controller:

The News Controller is responsible for controlling the flow of news content on the network. This includes:

  1. Deciding which news stories to cover and how to prioritize them.
  2. Coordinating with news teams to ensure consistency and accuracy.
  3. Managing the news schedule and ensuring that programs are aired on time.
  4. Overseeing the editing and production of news programs.
  5. Ensuring that news programs meet the network's standards and guidelines.

Both the Director of News and News Controller play critical roles in ensuring that Murhi International Television delivers high-quality, engaging, and informative news programs to its audience.

If you're looking for more information or specific details about the Director of News and News Controller at Murhi International Television, please let me know and I'll do my best to help!