Digital marketing news uk

Here are some recent digital marketing news from the UK:

  1. Google's Core Algorithm Update: Google has announced a core algorithm update, which is expected to impact search rankings and website traffic. The update is designed to improve the quality of search results and reduce the impact of low-quality content. (Source: Search Engine Land)
  2. Facebook's New Ad Targeting Options: Facebook has introduced new ad targeting options, including the ability to target users based on their online behavior, interests, and demographics. The new options are designed to help advertisers reach their target audience more effectively. (Source: The Drum)
  3. Instagram's E-commerce Features: Instagram has introduced several new e-commerce features, including the ability to tag products in posts and stories, and a "Checkout" feature that allows users to purchase products directly from the app. (Source: Marketing Week)
  4. YouTube's New Video Ad Format: YouTube has introduced a new video ad format called "Display Ads", which allows advertisers to display ads on the YouTube homepage and other parts of the site. (Source: Adweek)
  5. Amazon's Growing Ad Business: Amazon's ad business has grown significantly in recent years, with the company now generating more revenue from ads than from its e-commerce business. (Source: The Wall Street Journal)
  6. UK Digital Ad Spend: The UK's digital ad spend has reached a record high, with advertisers spending £13.4 billion on digital ads in 2020. (Source: IAB UK)
  7. Google's New Search Console: Google has launched a new version of its Search Console, which provides webmasters with more detailed information about their website's search traffic and rankings. (Source: Search Engine Journal)
  8. Facebook's New Messaging Features: Facebook has introduced several new messaging features, including the ability to send money to friends and family, and a "Secret Conversations" feature that allows users to send end-to-end encrypted messages. (Source: The Verge)
  9. Twitter's New Video Ad Format: Twitter has introduced a new video ad format called "Video Ads", which allows advertisers to create video ads that can be played before, during, or after live streams. (Source: Adweek)
  10. UK Digital Skills Gap: A new report has highlighted a significant digital skills gap in the UK, with many businesses struggling to find employees with the necessary digital skills. (Source: The Guardian)

These are just a few of the latest digital marketing news from the UK. If you're interested in staying up-to-date with the latest news and trends, I recommend following industry publications such as The Drum, Marketing Week, and Search Engine Land.