Didnt approve nnpc contracts osinbajo #comments

It appears you're referring to a recent controversy surrounding the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) contracts and Vice President Yemi Osinbajo.

For those who may not be aware, there have been allegations that the NNPC awarded contracts worth billions of naira without following due process, and that Vice President Osinbajo, who is also the Chairman of the National Economic Council, was involved in the approval process.

However, Osinbajo has denied any wrongdoing, stating that he did not approve the contracts and that the allegations are baseless. He has also called for an investigation into the matter to clear his name and ensure transparency in the NNPC's operations.

The controversy has sparked a heated debate on social media, with many Nigerians calling for accountability and transparency in the management of the country's resources.

Here are some comments from Nigerians on social media:

@NigerianPride: "The VP must come clean on this. If he didn't approve the contracts, then who did? We need transparency in our government."

@SarakiFan: "This is a clear case of corruption. Osinbajo must take responsibility for his actions. We can't have our leaders playing politics with our resources."

@BuhariSupporter: "I believe Osinbajo. He's a man of integrity. We should focus on finding the real culprits behind this scandal."

@NigeriaFirst: "This is a wake-up call for our government. We need to do better in managing our resources. No more corruption, no more impunity."

These are just a few examples of the comments and reactions on social media. The controversy is ongoing, and it remains to be seen how it will be resolved.