Presidential candidates trade accusations of vote rigging in car

What an... interesting scenario!

(The scene is set in a parking lot, where two presidential candidates, John and Jane, are standing next to their respective cars. They're both wearing suits and looking rather agitated.)

John: "You're trying to rig the election, Jane! I know it!"

Jane: "How dare you! I'm the one who's been fighting for fair elections all along. You're just trying to distract from your own scandals!"

John: "Scandals? Ha! You're the one who's been using dirty tricks to get ahead. I've got proof that your campaign is tampering with voting machines!"

Jane: "That's a lie! You're just trying to discredit me because you know you're going to lose. And by the way, what's with the fancy car you're driving? Trying to buy votes with your fancy wheels?"

John: "This car is a symbol of American ingenuity and progress! And I'll have you know, I've been working hard to make sure every vote counts, unlike some people who are trying to suppress the vote."

Jane: "Suppress the vote? You're the one who's been trying to limit voting rights and gerrymander districts! I'm the one who's been fighting for every citizen's right to have their voice heard."

John: "That's not true! You're just trying to spin this to make yourself look good. I've got evidence that your campaign is behind the mysterious 'lost' ballots in key swing states."

Jane: "Evidence? Ha! You've got nothing but hearsay and conspiracy theories. I'm the one who's been calling for transparency and accountability in our electoral system. You're just trying to undermine the democratic process."

(Just then, a third candidate, Bob, walks up to the scene, looking rather amused.)

Bob: "Hey, hey, hey! What's going on here? Are we having a debate... or a car commercial?"

John and Jane: (in unison) "Get out of here, Bob! This is none of your business!"

Bob: "Oh, I think it's very much my business. After all, I'm the only one around here who's actually trying to fix the broken system. You two are just too busy bickering to get anything done."

(John and Jane glare at each other, before turning back to Bob.)

John: "You're just trying to split the vote, Bob. You're a spoiler candidate."

Jane: "Yeah, and you're just a pawn in the game of dirty politics."

Bob: "Well, at least I'm not trying to rig the game. Or buy votes with fancy cars. Or suppress the vote. You two are just making a mess of things."

(John and Jane look at each other, before shrugging and getting back into their cars.)

John: "I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree."

Jane: "Yeah, and maybe we'll just have to take it to the voters."

(They drive off in opposite directions, while Bob watches them go with a knowing smile.)

Bob: "Well, that was... enlightening. I think I'll just stick to my campaign promises and let the people decide."