Devil may cry 5 new trailer

You're excited about the new trailer for Devil May Cry 5!

Here's the latest trailer, which was released on December 10, 2018:


[The trailer starts with a dramatic shot of the cityscape, with a eerie red glow in the background. The camera pans across the rooftops, showing the chaos and destruction caused by the demonic invasion.]

Narrator (in a deep, ominous voice): "The world is on the brink of destruction..."

[Cut to a shot of Nero, the protagonist, standing tall with his trusty sword, Red Queen. He's surrounded by demons, but he's not backing down.]

Narrator: "But there's one who will not go quietly into the night..."

[Cut to a shot of V, the mysterious new character, with his eerie, glowing eyes and his demonic powers.]

Narrator: "V, the enigmatic warrior, with the power to summon the very demons he fights..."

[Cut to a shot of Dante, the iconic protagonist, with his signature Rebellion sword and his confident swagger.]

Narrator: "And Dante, the legendary Devil Hunter, with his unyielding determination to save the world..."

[Cut to a montage of intense action sequences, showcasing the three protagonists fighting against hordes of demons.]

Narrator: "Together, they will face the darkness head-on, and fight to save humanity from the brink of destruction..."

[Cut to a shot of the game's logo, with the tagline "Join the battle" appearing below.]

Narrator: "Devil May Cry 5. Coming soon."

What do you think of the trailer? Are you excited to play the game? Let me know!