Internet explorer new version

You're referring to the latest version of Internet Explorer!

As of now, the latest version of Internet Explorer is Internet Explorer 11 (IE11), which was released in October 2013. However, Microsoft has announced that they will no longer support Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) and will focus on Edge as their primary browser.

Here are some key features and updates in Internet Explorer 11:

New Features:

  1. F12 Developer Tools: Improved debugging and testing tools for web developers.
  2. HTML5 Support: Improved support for HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.
  3. Do Not Track (DNT): Enhanced DNT feature to help users control online tracking.
  4. Security: Improved security features, including enhanced protection against malware and phishing attacks.


  1. IE10 Compatibility: IE11 is compatible with IE10, allowing for easier transition.
  2. Windows 8.1 Support: IE11 is the default browser on Windows 8.1.
  3. Windows 7 Support: IE11 is also available on Windows 7, but it's not the default browser.

Future of Internet Explorer:

As mentioned earlier, Microsoft has announced that they will no longer support Internet Explorer 11 and will focus on Edge as their primary browser. Edge is a faster, more secure, and more modern browser that offers better performance and compatibility with modern web standards.

If you're still using Internet Explorer 11, it's recommended to upgrade to Edge or another modern browser for better security, performance, and compatibility with modern web applications.

Let me know if you have any further questions!