Delta state marine school news

Here are some recent news updates about the Delta State Marine School:

Latest News

  1. Delta State Marine School gets new Director: The Delta State Government has appointed a new Director for the Delta State Marine School, Warri. The new Director, Professor Victor Obaro, is a renowned marine expert with over 20 years of experience in the industry. (Source: Vanguard News)
  2. Marine School to introduce new courses: The Delta State Marine School has announced plans to introduce new courses in marine engineering, naval architecture, and marine biology to enhance the skills of its students. The school is also upgrading its facilities to meet international standards. (Source: The Nation)
  3. Students protest poor facilities: Students of the Delta State Marine School have protested the poor state of facilities in the school, including inadequate classrooms, laboratories, and accommodation. The students are demanding that the government and school authorities take immediate action to address the issues. (Source: Punch News)
  4. Marine School partners with international organizations: The Delta State Marine School has partnered with international organizations, including the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA), to enhance its training programs and facilities. (Source: This Day Live)
  5. Graduates of the school secure jobs: Graduates of the Delta State Marine School have secured jobs in top shipping companies and marine organizations in Nigeria and abroad. The school's Director has attributed the success of its graduates to the school's emphasis on practical training and industry partnerships. (Source: The Guardian)

Recent Events

  1. Marine School hosts international conference: The Delta State Marine School hosted an international conference on maritime education and training, which attracted participants from around the world. The conference focused on the challenges and opportunities in the maritime industry and the role of education and training in addressing them. (Source: Maritime Digest)
  2. School celebrates 20th anniversary: The Delta State Marine School celebrated its 20th anniversary with a grand ceremony, which was attended by dignitaries from the government, industry, and academia. The school's Director highlighted the school's achievements and plans for the future. (Source: The Tide Online)
  3. Marine School participates in maritime exhibition: The Delta State Marine School participated in a maritime exhibition in Lagos, which showcased the school's facilities, programs, and achievements. The exhibition was attended by industry professionals and students. (Source: Shipping Position)

I hope this information is helpful!