Definition of news beat

A news beat is a specific area of coverage or a particular topic that a journalist or news organization focuses on to gather and report news. It is a designated area of expertise or a specific geographic region that a journalist is responsible for covering.

In other words, a news beat is a specific area of reporting that a journalist is assigned to cover, and it may include:

  1. A specific geographic region, such as a city, county, or state.
  2. A particular industry or sector, such as business, technology, or healthcare.
  3. A specific type of news, such as politics, sports, or entertainment.
  4. A specific demographic group, such as youth, seniors, or minorities.

The purpose of a news beat is to provide in-depth coverage of a specific area or topic, allowing readers or viewers to stay informed about the latest developments and trends. A journalist who covers a specific news beat is expected to have a deep understanding of the subject matter, as well as the ability to gather and report news accurately and fairly.

Some examples of news beats include:

Having a specific news beat allows journalists to develop expertise and build relationships with sources, which can lead to more accurate and comprehensive reporting. It also helps readers and viewers to stay informed about the issues that affect their lives and communities.