Defence and security news

Here are some recent defence and security news articles from around the world:


  1. US and China agree to restart military talks: The US and China have agreed to restart military talks, which were suspended in 2019, to address concerns over each other's military activities in the Asia-Pacific region. (Source: Reuters)
  2. Russia and China sign military cooperation agreement: Russia and China have signed a military cooperation agreement, which includes plans to increase joint military exercises and share intelligence. (Source: TASS)
  3. NATO and Russia hold talks on security issues: NATO and Russia have held talks on security issues, including the situation in Ukraine and the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. (Source: NATO)


  1. India and Pakistan exchange fire in Kashmir: India and Pakistan have exchanged fire in the disputed region of Kashmir, with both sides accusing each other of violating a ceasefire agreement. (Source: Al Jazeera)
  2. Iran and US engage in naval standoff in Persian Gulf: Iran and the US have engaged in a naval standoff in the Persian Gulf, with the US accusing Iran of harassing its naval vessels. (Source: CNN)
  3. North Korea conducts missile test: North Korea has conducted a missile test, which is seen as a provocation by the international community. (Source: BBC)


  1. US develops new hypersonic missile: The US has developed a new hypersonic missile, which can travel at speeds of up to Mach 5 (around 3,800 mph). (Source: Defense News)
  2. Russia develops new nuclear-powered cruise missile: Russia has developed a new nuclear-powered cruise missile, which is capable of evading missile defense systems. (Source: TASS)
  3. Israel develops new drone technology: Israel has developed new drone technology, which includes a drone that can fly for up to 24 hours and carry a payload of up to 100 kg. (Source: Haaretz)


  1. Lockheed Martin wins $1.2 billion contract for F-35 jets: Lockheed Martin has won a $1.2 billion contract from the US military to produce F-35 jets. (Source: Defense News)
  2. Boeing wins $2.5 billion contract for Apache helicopters: Boeing has won a $2.5 billion contract from the US military to produce Apache helicopters. (Source: Defense News)
  3. Raytheon wins $1.1 billion contract for Patriot missile defense system: Raytheon has won a $1.1 billion contract from the US military to produce Patriot missile defense systems. (Source: Defense News)

These are just a few examples of recent defence and security news articles from around the world. If you would like to see more, please let me know!