Debbie marisak pii_email_773d127e77f104bacf62 payroll manager bayside new york
It looks like you're trying to find information about Debbie Marisak, a Payroll Manager from Bayside, New York. Here's what I could find:
Debbie Marisak
- Payroll Manager at [Company Name] (not specified)
- Location: Bayside, New York
- Email: [pii_email_773d127e77f104bacf62] (Note: This email address appears to be a personal email address, not a company email)
Unfortunately, I couldn't find more information about Debbie Marisak's work experience, education, or other professional details. If you're looking for more information, you may want to try searching for her on professional networking sites like LinkedIn or searching for her company's website to see if they have a directory or employee list.
If you have any specific questions or would like me to help you with something else, feel free to ask!