De blue print for writing a news story

Here is a general blueprint for writing a news story:

I. Introduction

II. Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How

III. The Main Event

IV. Additional Information

V. Conclusion

VI. Additional Elements

VII. Editing and Fact-Checking

Here is an example of what a news story might look like using this blueprint:

Headline: Local Business Owner Arrested for Fraud

Introduction: A local business owner was arrested yesterday on charges of fraud, according to police. The owner of XYZ Corporation, John Smith, was taken into custody after an investigation revealed that he had been embezzling funds from the company.

Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How:

The Main Event:

According to police, Smith had been embezzling funds from the company for several months. He would write checks to himself and use company credit cards for personal purchases, including luxury items and vacations. The company's accountant discovered the fraud and reported it to police.

Additional Information:

Smith's arrest comes as a shock to the community, where he was well-respected and had been a prominent business leader. The company's employees are still reeling from the news and are trying to come to terms with what happened.


Smith's arrest is a reminder of the importance of ethical business practices and the consequences of fraud. The community is left to wonder how this could have happened and what steps can be taken to prevent it in the future.

Additional Elements: