Dayt se new name

You want to give a new name to the day of the week "Saturday". Here are some suggestions:

  1. Solara - inspired by the Latin word for sun, to reflect the warm and sunny vibes of the weekend.
  2. Luxa - derived from the Latin word for light, to symbolize the brightness and energy of Saturday.
  3. Vitalis - meaning "of life" in Latin, to represent the rejuvenating and revitalizing qualities of the weekend.
  4. Festiva - inspired by the Latin word for festival, to capture the celebratory and fun atmosphere of Saturday.
  5. Aurora - named after the aurora borealis (northern lights), to evoke the sense of wonder and magic that comes with the weekend.
  6. Nova - meaning "new" in Latin, to represent the fresh start and new beginnings that Saturday brings.
  7. Lumin - derived from the Latin word for light, to symbolize the illumination and clarity that comes with the weekend.
  8. Vital - meaning "full of life" in Latin, to represent the vitality and energy that Saturday embodies.
  9. Celestia - inspired by the Latin word for heaven, to evoke the sense of freedom and limitless possibilities that comes with the weekend.
  10. Elysia - named after the Elysian Fields of Greek mythology, to represent the paradise-like state of relaxation and enjoyment that Saturday brings.

Which one do you like the most?