Davido girl new car

You're referring to the recent news about Davido's new car gift to his girlfriend, Chioma Avril Rowland!

For those who may not know, Davido, the popular Nigerian musician, surprised his girlfriend, Chioma, with a brand new Porsche car as a birthday gift. The car, a Porsche Panamera, is reportedly worth millions of naira.

The news of the gift spread like wildfire on social media, with many fans and followers congratulating Davido on his thoughtful gesture. Chioma, who is a chef and a model, took to Instagram to express her gratitude and excitement about the gift, saying it was the best birthday present she could have asked for.

This isn't the first time Davido has shown his love and appreciation for Chioma. The couple has been together for a while, and Davido has often publicly professed his love and admiration for her. This latest gift is just another example of his romantic gestures towards her.

What do you think about Davido's thoughtful gift to Chioma? Do you think it's a nice gesture, or is it just a celebrity's way of showing off? Share your thoughts!