David gemmell new book

I'm afraid David Gemmell passed away in 2006, so there won't be any new books written by him. However, his legacy lives on through his existing works, which are still widely read and loved by many fans of fantasy and adventure.

If you're looking for new books in the same vein as David Gemmell's, you might enjoy the works of other authors who write in the fantasy and historical fiction genres. Some popular authors who have been influenced by Gemmell's style include:

  1. Joe Abercrombie: Known for his gritty and fast-paced fantasy novels, such as "The First Law" trilogy.
  2. Mark Lawrence: Author of the "Broken Empire" series, which is known for its dark and gritty world-building.
  3. Scott Lynch: Writer of the "Gentlemen Bastards" series, which combines fantasy and adventure with a focus on complex characters.
  4. Anthony Ryan: Author of the "Raven's Shadow" series, which is known for its epic scope and action-packed battles.
  5. Michael J. Sullivan: Writer of the "Riyria Chronicles" series, which is a fantasy epic with a focus on character development and world-building.

These authors, among others, have been influenced by Gemmell's work and may appeal to fans of his writing style.