Arrest prosecute daura for impersonation cupp tells dss

It seems like you're providing a scenario where Cupp is reporting Daura to the Department of State Services (DSS) for impersonation, and as a result, Daura is to be arrested and prosecuted.

Here's a possible response:

Cupp's Report to DSS

Date: [Insert Date]

To: Department of State Services (DSS)

Subject: Report of Impersonation - Daura

I, Cupp, am reporting a case of impersonation involving one Daura. On [Insert Date], I discovered that Daura has been impersonating me, using my identity to carry out illegal activities.

Details of the Incident

On [Insert Date], I received a call from an unknown number, claiming to be Daura. The caller introduced himself as Daura and asked me to meet him at a location. When I arrived, I realized that the person was not me, but someone impersonating me.


I have attached a recording of the conversation between me and the impersonator, as well as a photo of the impersonator. I also have a witness who can testify to the incident.


I request that the DSS takes immediate action to arrest and prosecute Daura for impersonation. I believe that this is a serious offense that requires prompt attention to prevent further harm to my reputation and well-being.

Contact Information

If you require any additional information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Insert Contact Information].

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

