Dasukigate news

DasukiGate refers to a corruption scandal involving the former National Security Adviser (NSA) of Nigeria, Sambo Dasuki, who was arrested and charged with embezzling billions of naira (Nigerian currency) meant for arms procurement for the Nigerian military.

Here are some key news updates on DasukiGate:

Arrest and Charges: Dasuki was arrested in December 2015 and charged with 19 counts of money laundering, criminal breach of trust, and theft. He was accused of diverting $2.1 billion meant for arms procurement for the military to personal accounts.

Trial: Dasuki's trial began in 2016, and he has been in custody since then. He has denied all charges against him, claiming that the funds were used for legitimate purposes.

Witness Testimony: Several witnesses have testified against Dasuki, including former military chiefs and officials of the Office of the National Security Adviser (ONSA). They have alleged that Dasuki used the funds to bribe politicians and buy influence.

Court Rulings: Dasuki has been granted bail several times, but he has always been re-arrested and re-detained. In 2019, the Federal High Court in Abuja ordered his release from custody, but the government appealed the ruling.

Investigations: The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has been investigating Dasuki's activities, and several other individuals have been arrested and charged in connection with the scandal.

International Implications: DasukiGate has implications for Nigeria's international relations, as several countries have expressed concerns about the corruption allegations. The United States, for example, has imposed sanctions on several individuals and companies linked to the scandal.

Political Fallout: DasukiGate has had significant political implications, with many Nigerians calling for the prosecution of corrupt officials. The scandal has also led to tensions between the government and the opposition, with some opposition leaders accusing the government of protecting Dasuki and other corrupt officials.

Recent Developments: In 2020, Dasuki's lawyers filed a motion to quash the charges against him, citing lack of evidence. The court has yet to rule on the motion.