Danny young new song

You're a fan of Danny Young, a talented Nigerian singer and songwriter!

As of my knowledge cutoff, Danny Young has been quite active in the music scene, releasing new songs and collaborating with other artists. Here are a few of his recent songs:

  1. "Oga" (2022) - A catchy, upbeat track with a memorable chorus and a blend of Afrobeats and pop elements.
  2. "Joori" (2022) - A high-energy song with a strong beat and a catchy hook, featuring a mix of Yoruba and English lyrics.
  3. "Oluwa" (2021) - A soulful, melodic track with a focus on Danny Young's vocal range and a blend of Afrobeats and R&B influences.

Please note that music releases can be frequent, and new songs might have been added since my knowledge cutoff. I recommend checking out Danny Young's official social media channels or music streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, or YouTube Music to stay updated on his latest releases!

Would you like to know more about Danny Young's music style, discography, or collaborations?