Dancing line new update

You're referring to the popular mobile game "Dancing Line"!

As of my knowledge cutoff, the latest update for Dancing Line was version 2.4.0, which was released in December 2020. Here are some of the new features and changes that were introduced in this update:

New Features:

  1. New Levels: The update added 20 new levels to the game, bringing the total number of levels to 240.
  2. New Songs: 10 new songs were added to the game's soundtrack, including popular tracks from various genres.
  3. New Characters: 5 new characters were introduced, each with their own unique design and abilities.
  4. New Power-Ups: 2 new power-ups were added: "Shield" and "Speed Boost".
  5. Improved Graphics: The game's graphics were improved, with enhanced visuals and animations.


  1. Level Difficulty Adjustment: The game's level difficulty was adjusted to provide a more balanced experience for players.
  2. Bug Fixes: Several bugs were fixed, including issues with level loading and character selection.
  3. Performance Optimization: The game's performance was optimized to reduce lag and improve overall gameplay.

Please note that updates may have been released since my knowledge cutoff, so it's always a good idea to check the game's official website or social media channels for the latest information on new updates and features.

Are you excited about the new update? Do you have a favorite song or character in the game?