Alex ferguson showing signs of recovery #

I'm happy to report that Sir Alex Ferguson, the legendary former Manchester United manager, has been making progress in his recovery from a brain hemorrhage he suffered in May 2018.

According to various sources, including his family and medical professionals, Ferguson has been showing significant signs of improvement. He has been able to communicate more effectively, and his cognitive function has been gradually returning.

In a statement released in August 2020, Ferguson's family said: "Sir Alex has made significant progress in his recovery and is continuing to make good progress. He is still undergoing rehabilitation and is making steady progress."

Ferguson's wife, Cathy, has also spoken publicly about his recovery, saying: "He's doing well, he's getting better every day. He's still got a long way to go, but he's getting there."

It's wonderful to see Sir Alex making progress and getting closer to a full recovery. He is an iconic figure in the world of football, and his health and well-being are of great importance to his fans and the football community.

Let's continue to send our best wishes to Sir Alex Ferguson for a full and speedy recovery!