Customize jannah news theme

Jannah News is a popular WordPress theme designed specifically for news and magazine websites. To customize it, you'll need to have some basic knowledge of WordPress and CSS. Here are some steps to help you get started:

Step 1: Install and activate the theme

  1. Download the Jannah News theme from the official website or purchase it from a theme marketplace.
  2. Install the theme on your WordPress website by uploading the theme files to the wp-content/themes directory or by using the built-in theme installer in WordPress.
  3. Activate the theme by going to the WordPress dashboard, clicking on Appearance > Themes, and selecting Jannah News.

Step 2: Customize the theme settings

  1. Go to the WordPress dashboard and click on Jannah News > Theme Options.
  2. In the Theme Options panel, you can customize various settings such as:
    • Logo: Upload your logo image or enter a URL to use a custom logo.
    • Favicon: Upload your favicon image or enter a URL to use a custom favicon.
    • Colors: Choose from a range of color schemes or enter custom colors for the theme.
    • Fonts: Choose from a range of font families or enter custom font families.
    • Layout: Choose from various layout options, such as grid or masonry.
    • Advertisements: Enable or disable advertisements on your website.
  3. Click "Save Changes" to save your theme settings.

Step 3: Customize the CSS

  1. To customize the CSS, you'll need to use a CSS editor or a plugin like Jetpack or WP Rocket.
  2. Open the CSS file (usually style.css) and add your custom CSS code.
  3. You can customize various elements such as:
    • Fonts: Change font sizes, families, or styles.
    • Colors: Change colors for headings, text, or backgrounds.
    • Layout: Adjust grid or masonry layout settings.
    • Spacing: Adjust padding, margin, or spacing between elements.
  4. Save your changes and refresh your website to see the effects.

Step 4: Customize the layout

  1. To customize the layout, you can use a page builder plugin like Elementor, Beaver Builder, or Divi Builder.
  2. Create a new page or edit an existing one and add a layout element.
  3. Customize the layout settings, such as:
    • Columns: Add or remove columns to create a custom layout.
    • Widgets: Add or remove widgets to create a custom sidebar.
    • Content: Add or remove content elements, such as text, images, or videos.
  4. Save your changes and refresh your website to see the effects.

Step 5: Customize the widgets

  1. To customize the widgets, go to the WordPress dashboard and click on Appearance > Widgets.
  2. Drag and drop widgets to create a custom sidebar or footer.
  3. Customize the widget settings, such as:
    • Title: Change the title of the widget.
    • Content: Add or remove content elements, such as text, images, or videos.
    • Settings: Adjust settings specific to the widget, such as font sizes or colors.
  4. Save your changes and refresh your website to see the effects.

Remember to always backup your website before making any changes to the theme or CSS. If you're not comfortable customizing the theme yourself, you can hire a professional web developer or designer to do it for you.