Current open university news

Here are some recent news articles and updates from The Open University (OU):

Recent News

  1. OU launches new online course on climate change (March 2023): The OU has launched a new online course, "Climate Change: Understanding and Responding", which explores the science, impacts, and responses to climate change.
  2. OU partners with BBC to offer new online course on AI (February 2023): The OU has partnered with the BBC to offer a new online course, "Artificial Intelligence: The Future of Work", which explores the impact of AI on the workforce.
  3. OU announces new scholarship scheme for underrepresented groups (January 2023): The OU has launched a new scholarship scheme, "OU Access Scholarship", to support students from underrepresented groups, including those from low-income backgrounds, care leavers, and those with disabilities.
  4. OU celebrates 50th anniversary of its first degree (December 2022): The OU celebrated the 50th anniversary of its first degree, awarded to a student in 1972. The OU has since awarded over 2 million degrees to students worldwide.

Research News

  1. OU researchers develop new AI-powered tool to detect breast cancer (February 2023): A team of OU researchers has developed a new AI-powered tool that can detect breast cancer from mammography images with high accuracy.
  2. OU study finds link between air pollution and cognitive decline (January 2023): A study by OU researchers has found that exposure to air pollution is linked to cognitive decline in older adults.
  3. OU researchers develop new sustainable building materials (December 2022): A team of OU researchers has developed new sustainable building materials that can reduce carbon emissions and improve energy efficiency.

Awards and Recognition

  1. OU wins award for online learning innovation (March 2023): The OU has won the "Best Online Learning Innovation" award at the 2023 Online Learning Awards for its innovative online course, "The Future of Work".
  2. OU professor wins award for outstanding research (February 2023): Professor [Name], a researcher at the OU, has won the "Outstanding Research Award" at the 2023 British Psychological Society Awards for her research on mental health.

Other News

  1. OU launches new online community for students (January 2023): The OU has launched a new online community, "OU Connect", for students to connect with each other, share experiences, and access support resources.
  2. OU announces new partnership with global education provider (December 2022): The OU has announced a new partnership with global education provider, Coursera, to offer online courses and degrees to students worldwide.

Please note that these news articles are subject to change and may not be up-to-date. For the latest news and updates from The Open University, I recommend visiting their official website or social media channels.