Behold the lord is doing a new thing

What a powerful and uplifting phrase! "Behold, the Lord is doing a new thing" is a quote from Isaiah 43:19, which says:

"Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert."

This verse is a declaration of God's power and sovereignty, and it's a reminder that He is always working to bring about something new and wonderful in our lives. It's a message of hope and encouragement, especially in times of uncertainty or difficulty.

The phrase has been used in many contexts, including worship songs, sermons, and personal devotions. It's a reminder that God is always at work, even when we can't see what He's doing. It's a call to trust in His goodness and sovereignty, and to look to Him for guidance and direction.

In what ways has God been doing a new thing in your life recently? Have you experienced any unexpected blessings or breakthroughs?