Current news on peace corp

Here are some current news and updates on the Peace Corps:

Recent Developments:

  1. Peace Corps Celebrates 60th Anniversary: In March 2023, the Peace Corps celebrated its 60th anniversary, marking six decades of promoting peace and friendship around the world.
  2. New Country Programs: The Peace Corps has recently launched new programs in several countries, including:
    • Madagascar: The Peace Corps has launched a new program in Madagascar, focusing on education, health, and environmental conservation.
    • Mozambique: The Peace Corps has expanded its program in Mozambique, with a focus on education, health, and economic development.
    • Nepal: The Peace Corps has launched a new program in Nepal, focusing on education, health, and community development.
  3. COVID-19 Response: The Peace Corps has been working to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, with efforts including:
    • Virtual training for new volunteers
    • Remote work arrangements for staff
    • Support for host countries' COVID-19 response efforts
  4. Budget and Funding: The Peace Corps has faced budget challenges in recent years, with some programs facing funding cuts or delays. However, the agency has received increased funding in recent years, including a $100 million increase in the 2022 budget.

Recent News Articles:

  1. "Peace Corps Celebrates 60 Years of Service" (USA Today, March 2023)
  2. "Peace Corps Expands Program in Mozambique" (AllAfrica, February 2023)
  3. "Peace Corps Launches New Program in Madagascar" (Madagascar Times, January 2023)
  4. "Peace Corps Responds to COVID-19 Pandemic" (Peace Corps News, December 2022)
  5. "Peace Corps Faces Budget Challenges" (The Hill, November 2022)

Recent Peace Corps Volunteer Stories:

  1. "From the Classroom to the Community" (Peace Corps News, March 2023) - A story about a Peace Corps volunteer who worked in education in Morocco.
  2. "Building Bridges in Mozambique" (Peace Corps News, February 2023) - A story about a Peace Corps volunteer who worked on community development in Mozambique.
  3. "Conservation Efforts in Nepal" (Peace Corps News, January 2023) - A story about a Peace Corps volunteer who worked on environmental conservation in Nepal.

I hope this information is helpful!