Current news in syria damascus

Here are some current news updates from Damascus, Syria:

Recent Developments:

  1. Ceasefire Agreement: The Syrian government and opposition groups have agreed to a ceasefire in the southern city of Daraa, which has been a hotspot for violence in recent weeks. The agreement was brokered by Russia and the United States.
  2. Turkish Military Operation: Turkey has launched a military operation in northeastern Syria, targeting Kurdish-led forces that have been allied with the United States. The operation has sparked international condemnation and concerns about the safety of civilians.
  3. Syrian Government Advances: The Syrian government has made significant advances in the country's northwestern region, capturing several key towns and cities from opposition forces.
  4. Humanitarian Crisis: The humanitarian crisis in Syria continues to worsen, with millions of people in need of aid and shelter. The United Nations has warned of a "catastrophic" situation in the country.

Recent News Articles:

  1. The New York Times: "Syria Cease-Fire Holds, but Tensions Remain" (August 8, 2022)
  2. Al Jazeera: "Syria: Government forces advance in northwestern region" (August 10, 2022)
  3. The Guardian: "Turkey launches military operation in northeast Syria" (August 12, 2022)
  4. BBC News: "Syria: UN warns of 'catastrophic' humanitarian crisis" (August 15, 2022)


  1. Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA)
  2. Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR)
  3. United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
  4. International Crisis Group (ICG)

Note: The situation in Syria is complex and constantly evolving, and news reports may vary depending on the source and perspective.