News broadcast script for students pdf

Here is a sample news broadcast script for students:

Title: "Student News Network"


[Upbeat music plays]

Announcer: "Welcome to the Student News Network! I'm your anchor, [Name], and we're here to bring you the latest news and updates from around the school and community. Tonight, we've got a packed show for you, so let's get started!"

Segment 1: School News

[Cut to a graphic with the title "School News"]

Announcer: "First up, we've got some exciting news from the school administration. The new cafeteria menu has been announced, and it's looking delicious! From pizza to salads, there's something for everyone. We'll have a full report on the menu changes later in the show."

[Cut to an interview with a student or teacher]

Student/Teacher: "I'm really excited about the new menu options. It's going to be a great change for students who have dietary restrictions or just want to try something new."

Announcer: "That's great to hear! We'll be sure to bring you more updates on the cafeteria menu as we get them."

Segment 2: Community News

[Cut to a graphic with the title "Community News"]

Announcer: "Next up, we've got some news from the community. The local animal shelter is in need of donations to help care for the animals. If you're interested in making a difference, be sure to check out their website for more information."

[Cut to an interview with a representative from the animal shelter]

Representative: "We're grateful for any support we can get. Every donation, big or small, helps us care for the animals and find them forever homes."

Announcer: "That's great to hear. We'll be sure to bring you more updates on the animal shelter's needs and how you can help."

Segment 3: Student Spotlight

[Cut to a graphic with the title "Student Spotlight"]

Announcer: "Now it's time to shine the spotlight on one of our talented students. [Student's name] has been making waves in the school's art department with their incredible paintings. We caught up with them to learn more about their inspiration and creative process."

[Cut to an interview with the student]

Student: "I love art because it allows me to express myself and tell stories in a unique way. I'm really passionate about it, and I'm excited to share my work with the school community."

Announcer: "That's amazing! We'll be sure to bring you more updates on [Student's name]'s art and other student achievements."

Segment 4: Weather and Sports

[Cut to a graphic with the title "Weather and Sports"]

Announcer: "Now it's time for our weather and sports update. [Weather anchor] has the latest forecast for us."

[Cut to the weather anchor]

Weather Anchor: "Good evening! It's looking like we're in for a beautiful weekend, with plenty of sunshine and mild temperatures. Make sure to grab your sunscreen and get outside and enjoy it!"

Announcer: "And in sports news, the school's basketball team is gearing up for their big game against rival school [Rival school]. We'll have a full report on the game and its implications for the team's season."


[Outro music plays]

Announcer: "That's all for tonight's show. Thanks for joining us on the Student News Network! Don't forget to tune in next time for more news, updates, and student spotlights. Goodnight, and we'll see you then!"

[Closing credits roll]

This script is just a sample, and you can customize it to fit your school's specific needs and interests. Remember to keep your segments concise and engaging, and to include a variety of topics to appeal to different students. Good luck with your news broadcast!