Current news about nigerian univeristies

Here are some current news and updates about Nigerian universities:

1. ASUU Strike Update: The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has been on strike since February 2022, demanding better working conditions, improved funding, and the implementation of the 2009 agreement. The strike has affected over 1.5 million students across the country.

2. University of Lagos (UNILAG) Crisis: The university is embroiled in a crisis following the suspension of its Vice-Chancellor, Professor Oluwatoyin Ogundipe, by the University's Governing Council. The crisis has led to protests and calls for the reinstatement of the Vice-Chancellor.

3. University of Ibadan (UI) Gets New Vice-Chancellor: Professor Kayode Adebowale has been appointed as the new Vice-Chancellor of the University of Ibadan, succeeding Professor Idowu Olayinka. Adebowale is a renowned expert in the field of chemistry.

4. Nigerian Universities to Partner with International Institutions: The Federal Government has announced plans to partner with international institutions to improve the quality of education in Nigerian universities. The partnership is expected to enhance research, capacity building, and infrastructure development.

5. University of Abuja (UNIABUJA) Gets New Vice-Chancellor: Professor Abdulrasheed Na'Allah has been appointed as the new Vice-Chancellor of the University of Abuja, succeeding Professor Michael Adikwu. Na'Allah is a renowned expert in the field of linguistics.

6. Nigerian Universities to Adopt Online Learning: In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Nigerian universities are adopting online learning platforms to ensure continuity of academic activities. The Federal Government has also launched a digital platform to facilitate online learning.

7. University of Benin (UNIBEN) Gets New Vice-Chancellor: Professor Lilian Salami has been appointed as the new Vice-Chancellor of the University of Benin, succeeding Professor Faraday Orumwense. Salami is a renowned expert in the field of medicine.

8. Nigerian Universities to Benefit from World Bank Funding: The World Bank has approved a $750 million funding for Nigerian universities to improve their infrastructure and enhance the quality of education. The funding is expected to benefit over 20 universities across the country.

9. University of Maiduguri (UNIMAID) Gets New Vice-Chancellor: Professor Aliyu Shugaba has been appointed as the new Vice-Chancellor of the University of Maiduguri, succeeding Professor Ibrahim Module. Shugaba is a renowned expert in the field of engineering.

10. Nigerian Universities to Partner with Private Sector: The Federal Government has announced plans to partner with the private sector to improve the quality of education in Nigerian universities. The partnership is expected to enhance research, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

These are some of the current news and updates about Nigerian universities. I hope this information is helpful!