Css new features

Here are some of the new features in CSS:


  1. Gradients: CSS3 introduced linear and radial gradients, allowing for more complex and nuanced background colors.
  2. Box Shadows: CSS3 introduced box shadows, allowing for more control over the appearance of elements.
  3. Rounded Corners: CSS3 introduced rounded corners, allowing for more control over the shape of elements.
  4. Transitions: CSS3 introduced transitions, allowing for smooth animations between styles.
  5. Animations: CSS3 introduced animations, allowing for more complex and dynamic effects.
  6. Multiple Background Images: CSS3 allows for multiple background images to be set on an element.
  7. Border Radius: CSS3 introduced border radius, allowing for more control over the shape of borders.
  8. Box Sizing: CSS3 introduced box sizing, allowing for more control over the size of elements.


  1. Custom Properties: CSS4 introduced custom properties, allowing for more flexibility in defining styles.
  2. Variables: CSS4 introduced variables, allowing for more flexibility in defining styles.
  3. Calc Function: CSS4 introduced the calc function, allowing for more complex calculations in styles.
  4. Logical Properties: CSS4 introduced logical properties, allowing for more control over the layout of elements.
  5. Subgrid: CSS4 introduced subgrid, allowing for more control over the layout of grid elements.


  1. Container Queries: CSS5 introduced container queries, allowing for more control over the layout of elements based on their container.
  2. CSS Grid: CSS5 introduced CSS grid, allowing for more control over the layout of elements using a grid system.
  3. CSS Flexbox: CSS5 introduced CSS flexbox, allowing for more control over the layout of elements using a flexible box system.
  4. CSS Shapes: CSS5 introduced CSS shapes, allowing for more control over the shape of elements.
  5. CSS Masking: CSS5 introduced CSS masking, allowing for more control over the visibility of elements.

Other Features

  1. Media Queries: Media queries allow for styles to be applied based on the device or screen size.
  2. Pseudo-Elements: Pseudo-elements allow for more control over the appearance of elements, such as adding borders or shadows.
  3. Pseudo-Classes: Pseudo-classes allow for more control over the appearance of elements, such as changing the color or background of an element based on its state.
  4. Selectors: Selectors allow for more control over which elements are targeted by styles.
  5. Units: CSS3 introduced new units, such as vw and vh, which allow for more flexibility in defining sizes.

These are just a few examples of the many new features in CSS.