Report reveals premier leagues radical plan to finish season

I'm not aware of any recent report that reveals a "radical plan" by the Premier League to finish the season. However, I can provide some context and information on the various plans and discussions that have taken place regarding the completion of the 2019-2020 Premier League season.

The Premier League season was suspended in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and since then, there have been various discussions and proposals put forward to complete the season. Here are a few examples:

  1. In April 2020, the Premier League announced that it was exploring various options to complete the season, including playing behind closed doors, using neutral venues, and playing games at different times of the day.
  2. In May 2020, the Premier League announced that it was considering a "Project Restart" plan, which would involve playing games behind closed doors, with teams playing each other at neutral venues, and with a condensed schedule.
  3. In June 2020, the Premier League announced that it had agreed to a plan to restart the season on June 17, with games played behind closed doors, and with teams playing each other at their home grounds.
  4. In July 2020, the Premier League announced that it had agreed to a plan to complete the season, with the remaining games played behind closed doors, and with teams playing each other at their home grounds.

It's worth noting that the Premier League has been working closely with the UK government, the Football Association, and other stakeholders to ensure that the season is completed safely and in accordance with public health guidelines.

If you're referring to a specific report or article that you've read, could you please provide more information or a link to the article? I'd be happy to help you understand the context and implications of the report.