Css code to change all color to new color
To change all colors in a CSS file to a new color, you can use the color
property and apply it to the *
selector, which selects all elements on the page.
Here is an example:
* {
color: #FF0000; /* change all colors to red */
This code will change the color of all text, links, and other elements on the page to red.
If you want to change all colors to a specific hex code, you can replace #FF0000
with the desired hex code.
For example, to change all colors to blue:
* {
color: #0000FF;
Note that this will change all colors, including background colors, text colors, and link colors. If you only want to change text colors, you can use the color
property on the body
element instead:
body {
color: #0000FF;
This will change the text color of the entire page to blue, but leave other colors (such as background colors and link colors) unchanged.
Also, you can use !important
keyword to make sure that the new color is applied even if there are other styles that override it:
* {
color: #0000FF!important;
It's worth noting that changing all colors to a new color can have unintended consequences, such as making the page difficult to read or understand. It's usually better to target specific elements or classes with CSS styles instead of changing all colors at once.