Cost placing of notice in a news gurdian newspaper abuja

The cost of placing a notice in a news guardian newspaper in Abuja can vary depending on the type of notice, the size of the notice, and the frequency of publication. Here are some general rates for the Guardian Newspaper in Abuja:

Types of Notices:

  1. Classified Advertisements (Text Ads): These are short, text-based ads that are published in a specific section of the newspaper.
  2. Display Advertisements: These are larger, visually appealing ads that are designed to grab attention.
  3. Public Notice: These are notices that are required by law to be published in a newspaper, such as court judgments, government notices, and public announcements.

Rates for Classified Advertisements:

Rates for Display Advertisements:

Rates for Public Notice:

Frequency of Publication:

Additional Charges:

Please note that these rates are subject to change and may vary depending on the specific requirements of your notice. It's best to contact the Guardian Newspaper in Abuja directly for the most up-to-date rates and to discuss your specific needs.