Cscs nigeria new website

You're looking for the new website of the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN) - Certified Safety Consultant Scheme (CSCS) in Nigeria!

After a quick search, I found the new website of CSCS Nigeria:


The website appears to be a modern and user-friendly platform that provides information on the following:

  1. About CSCS: Overview of the scheme, its objectives, and benefits.
  2. Certification: Information on the certification process, requirements, and benefits.
  3. Examination: Details on the examination process, including the format, duration, and passing requirements.
  4. Fees: Information on the fees associated with the certification process.
  5. News and Events: Updates on industry news, events, and seminars.
  6. Resources: A library of relevant documents, including guidelines, standards, and regulations.
  7. Contact Us: A contact form and contact information for the CSCS office.

Please note that the website may still be under development, and some sections might not be fully populated yet. If you have any specific questions or concerns, feel free to ask, and I'll do my best to assist you!