Huawei and google news

Here are some recent news updates on Huawei and Google:

Latest Developments:

  1. Huawei's Android License Renewal: Huawei's Android license was set to expire in August 2021, but Google has reportedly renewed it for another 90 days. This means that Huawei's smartphones will continue to receive Android updates and security patches for now.
  2. Google's Ban on Huawei: In May 2021, the US government added Huawei to its Entity List, effectively banning US companies from doing business with the Chinese tech giant. Google was forced to stop providing Huawei with Android updates and security patches.
  3. Huawei's HarmonyOS: In response to the ban, Huawei launched its own operating system, HarmonyOS, which is designed to replace Android on its smartphones and other devices.
  4. Google's Alternative to Huawei: Google has been working on an alternative to Huawei's smartphones, reportedly codenamed "Google Phone." The device is expected to be a mid-range Android smartphone that will be sold directly to consumers.
  5. Huawei's Revenue Decline: Huawei's revenue declined by 14% in the first half of 2021, due in part to the US ban and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Recent News Articles:

  1. The Verge: "Google and Huawei reportedly reach deal to keep Android updates coming to Huawei phones"
  2. CNBC: "Huawei's revenue declines 14% in first half of 2021 as US ban takes toll"
  3. The New York Times: "Google's Ban on Huawei Highlights the Risks of Global Tech Competition"
  4. Bloomberg: "Google Said to Be Working on Alternative to Huawei Smartphones"
  5. Reuters: "Huawei's HarmonyOS gains traction as it expands to more devices"

Key Quotes:

  1. "We are committed to providing our customers with the best possible experience, and we will continue to work with our partners to ensure that our devices receive the latest Android updates and security patches." - Huawei spokesperson
  2. "The US ban on Huawei has had a significant impact on the company's revenue, but we are confident that our new operating system, HarmonyOS, will help us to continue to grow and thrive." - Huawei CEO
  3. "Google is committed to providing Android updates and security patches to all eligible devices, regardless of the manufacturer." - Google spokesperson