Cross river state new flag

You're referring to the proposed new flag for Cross River State in Nigeria!

In 2020, the Cross River State Government announced plans to redesign the state's flag, which was originally adopted in 1976. The new design is intended to reflect the state's cultural heritage, history, and values.

Here's a brief overview of the proposed new flag:

Design: The new flag features a rectangular shape with a width-to-length ratio of 2:3. The flag is divided into three horizontal stripes:

  1. The top stripe is a bright green color, representing the state's lush forests and natural resources.
  2. The middle stripe is a white color, symbolizing peace, unity, and purity.
  3. The bottom stripe is a deep blue color, representing the state's rich cultural heritage and the Atlantic Ocean that borders the state.

Emblems: In the center of the white stripe is a golden emblem featuring a stylized image of the Cross River, which is the state's namesake. The emblem is surrounded by a circle, with the state's motto "Peace and Harmony" inscribed in the top half of the circle.

Meaning: The new flag is designed to reflect the state's values of peace, unity, and harmony, while also highlighting its natural beauty and cultural heritage. The green stripe represents the state's commitment to environmental sustainability, while the blue stripe symbolizes its connection to the Atlantic Ocean and the global community.

Reaction: The proposed new flag has received mixed reactions from the public, with some people praising the design for its modernity and cultural significance, while others have expressed concerns about the potential cost of replacing the existing flags and materials.

Overall, the proposed new flag for Cross River State is a symbol of the state's commitment to its cultural heritage and its aspirations for a brighter future.