Cronaldo give brand new audi sports

I think you meant "Cristiano Ronaldo"!

According to various reports, Cristiano Ronaldo has indeed gifted his friends and family with brand new Audi sports cars. In 2020, it was reported that he gifted his friend and former teammate, Pepe, a brand new Audi R8.

Ronaldo is known for his love of luxury cars and has a vast collection of high-end vehicles, including Porsches, Ferraris, and Lamborghinis. He has also been spotted driving his Audi R8 and other luxury cars on several occasions.

It's worth noting that Ronaldo's generosity is not limited to just cars. He has also been known to gift his friends and family with other luxury items, such as watches, jewelry, and even real estate.

Here are some of the Audi sports cars that Cristiano Ronaldo has gifted to his friends and family:

  1. Audi R8 (gifted to Pepe)
  2. Audi TT RS (gifted to his friend, Jose Mourinho)
  3. Audi S3 (gifted to his friend, Sergio Ramos)

These gifts are a testament to Ronaldo's generosity and his appreciation for his friends and family.