Crimewatch news benin city 2019

I'm not aware of any specific "Crimewatch News" publication or website that focuses on Benin City, Nigeria. However, I can try to provide you with some general information on crime in Benin City and Nigeria as a whole.

According to various sources, including the Nigerian Police Force and local news outlets, Benin City has experienced a significant increase in crime rates in recent years. Some of the most common crimes reported in the city include:

  1. Armed robbery: This is one of the most common crimes in Benin City, with many cases reported in the city's major markets, banks, and residential areas.
  2. Kidnapping: Kidnapping for ransom is a growing concern in Benin City, with many cases reported in the city and its surrounding areas.
  3. Murder: Murder is a serious crime that has been reported in Benin City, often linked to disputes, cultism, and other forms of violence.
  4. Theft: Theft is a common crime in Benin City, with many cases reported in the city's markets, homes, and businesses.
  5. Cultism: Cultism is a significant problem in Benin City, with many cases reported involving rival cult groups and their activities.

Some notable crime incidents in Benin City in 2019 include:

  1. The kidnapping of a prominent businessman and his wife in February 2019. The couple was later released after a ransom was paid.
  2. The murder of a police officer in March 2019. The officer was shot and killed while on duty in the city.
  3. The armed robbery of a bank in April 2019. The robbers made off with a large sum of money and other valuables.
  4. The kidnapping of a student in May 2019. The student was later released after a ransom was paid.
  5. The murder of a traditional ruler in June 2019. The ruler was killed in a dispute over land ownership.

It's worth noting that crime rates in Benin City and Nigeria as a whole are often underreported, and the actual number of crimes may be higher than what is reported. Additionally, the Nigerian Police Force and other law enforcement agencies are working to combat crime and improve security in the city and the country as a whole.