Phyna is being arrogant sheggz tells biggie dianna cries over task bbnaija level up season 7

It sounds like there's a lot going on in the Big Brother Naija Level Up season 7 house!

So, Phyna is being arrogant, huh? That can be a bit of a turn-off for the other housemates. I hope she's not letting her confidence get the better of her.

And Sheggz told Biggie something, did he? I wonder what it was. Maybe he's trying to stir up some drama or get Phyna in trouble.

And poor Dianna is crying over a task? That's never a good sign. I hope she's okay and that it's not because of something someone said or did. Maybe she's just feeling overwhelmed or stressed.

It's always drama-filled in the Big Brother Naija house, isn't it? I hope the housemates can all get along and have a good time.