Creating ftp with powershell new ftp site

To create a new FTP site using PowerShell, you can use the New-FTPSite cmdlet. Here's an example of how to do it:


Creating a new FTP site:

Here's an example of how to create a new FTP site using PowerShell:

New-FTPSite -Name "MyFTPsite" -BindingInformation "localhost:21" -Path "C:\FTP\MyFTPsite" -FTPSecurityMode "Basic" -FTPCredentials (Get-Credential -Username "ftpuser" -Password "ftppassword")

Let's break down the parameters:

Additional options:

You can also specify additional options when creating a new FTP site, such as:

Here's an example of how to create a new FTP site with additional options:

New-FTPSite -Name "MyFTPsite" -BindingInformation "localhost:21" -Path "C:\FTP\MyFTPsite" -FTPSecurityMode "Basic" -FTPCredentials (Get-Credential -Username "ftpuser" -Password "ftppassword") -FTPSsl $true -FTPRoot "C:\FTP\MyFTPsite\root" -FTPSiteId 1

Verifying the FTP site:

After creating the FTP site, you can verify that it was created successfully by running the following command:

Get-FTPSite -Name "MyFTPsite"

This should return information about the FTP site, including its binding information, path, and security mode.