Can tiktok users see who saved

On TikTok, the answer is a bit nuanced.

For public accounts:

When someone saves your video on TikTok, you won't be able to see who saved it unless you have a TikTok Pro account (more on that later). As a public account, your video is publicly accessible, and anyone can save it without you knowing who did.

For private accounts:

If you have a private account, you can see who saved your videos. When someone saves a video from a private account, you'll receive a notification with the username of the person who saved it. This way, you can see who's interested in your content.

TikTok Pro account:

If you upgrade to a TikTok Pro account, you'll gain access to additional features, including the ability to see who saved your videos. With a Pro account, you'll be able to view the list of users who saved your videos, which can be helpful for understanding your audience and content performance.

Important note:

Even if you can't see who saved your videos, TikTok does provide some insights into your content's performance. You can view your video's engagement metrics, such as likes, comments, and shares, to gauge its popularity and adjust your content strategy accordingly.

I hope that helps clarify things!