Creatigng new using many to many

A many-to-many relationship!

In a many-to-many relationship, you have two tables, Table A and Table B, where each record in Table A can be related to multiple records in Table B, and vice versa.

To create a new record using a many-to-many relationship, you'll need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Create a new record in Table A

Step 2: Create a new record in Table B

Step 3: Create a new record in the junction table

This new record in Table A_B establishes the relationship between the new records in Table A and Table B.

Example SQL code

Here's an example of the SQL code to create the new records:

-- Create a new record in Table A
INSERT INTO Table A (name) VALUES ('New Record A');

-- Get the ID of the new record in Table A
SELECT id FROM Table A WHERE name = 'New Record A';
-- Output: 123

-- Create a new record in Table B
INSERT INTO Table B (name) VALUES ('New Record B');

-- Get the ID of the new record in Table B
SELECT id FROM Table B WHERE name = 'New Record B';
-- Output: 456

-- Create a new record in the junction table
INSERT INTO Table A_B (table_a_id, table_b_id)
VALUES (123, 456);

Now, you have a new record in Table A, a new record in Table B, and a new record in Table A_B that connects the two.