Ebonyi state university dismisses 63 lecturers other staff members

According to recent reports, Ebonyi State University (EBSU) has dismissed 63 lecturers and other staff members. The decision was made by the university's Governing Council, which cited various reasons for the dismissals, including:

  1. Absence from duty without permission
  2. Failure to meet academic and research expectations
  3. Misconduct and indiscipline
  4. Insubordination and disobedience to authority
  5. Gross misconduct and breach of university regulations

The dismissed staff members include:

The university's Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Chinedu Onyishi, stated that the decision to dismiss the staff members was taken after a thorough investigation and consideration of the evidence presented against them.

The dismissed staff members have been given a 14-day ultimatum to appeal the decision to the Governing Council. If they fail to appeal or their appeals are unsuccessful, they will be required to hand over their official documents and leave the university premises.

The decision to dismiss the staff members has been met with mixed reactions from students, staff, and the general public. While some have expressed support for the decision, citing the need for discipline and accountability in the university, others have criticized the move, arguing that it is unfair and may lead to a brain drain.

The development is a significant one for the university, which has been facing challenges in recent years, including funding and infrastructure issues. The dismissal of staff members is seen as a step towards addressing these challenges and ensuring that the university is run efficiently and effectively.

It remains to be seen how the situation will unfold and what impact it will have on the university and its stakeholders.