Create new page in codeigniter

Here are the steps to create a new page in CodeIgniter:

Step 1: Create a new controller

In CodeIgniter, controllers are responsible for handling requests and returning responses. To create a new controller, navigate to the application/controllers directory and create a new PHP file with a name that follows the convention My_controller.php. For example, let's create a controller called Welcome.php.

Step 2: Define the controller class

In the Welcome.php file, define a class that extends the CI_Controller class:

defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');

class Welcome extends CI_Controller {
    public function index() {
        // Code to be executed when the controller is loaded

Step 3: Create a new view

In CodeIgniter, views are responsible for rendering the HTML content of a page. To create a new view, navigate to the application/views directory and create a new PHP file with a name that follows the convention welcome.php. For example, let's create a view called welcome.php.

Step 4: Define the view content

In the welcome.php file, define the HTML content of the page:

echo "Welcome to my page!";

Step 5: Load the view in the controller

In the Welcome.php file, load the welcome.php view in the index() method:

public function index() {

Step 6: Access the new page

To access the new page, navigate to the URL http://localhost/your_project/index.php/welcome (replace your_project with the name of your CodeIgniter project).

That's it! You have now created a new page in CodeIgniter.

Here's the complete code:

defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');

class Welcome extends CI_Controller {
    public function index() {

echo "Welcome to my page!";

Note: Make sure to update the routes.php file in the application/config directory to include the new controller and view. For example:

$route['welcome'] = 'welcome/index';

This will map the URL http://localhost/your_project/index.php/welcome to the index() method of the Welcome controller.