Coza performance majek fashek slams daddy freeze #

It seems like you're referring to a recent controversy involving Nigerian musicians Majek Fashek and Daddy Freeze.

For those who may not be aware, Majek Fashek, a legendary Nigerian musician, recently took to social media to slam Daddy Freeze, a popular Nigerian DJ and media personality, over a perceived slight.

According to reports, Majek Fashek was upset after Daddy Freeze made a comment on social media that the musician felt disrespected his legacy. In response, Majek Fashek took to Instagram to express his disappointment and frustration, calling out Daddy Freeze for his perceived disrespect.

The drama unfolded on social media, with both artists trading barbs and insults. Many fans and fellow musicians weighed in on the controversy, with some defending Majek Fashek's honor and others siding with Daddy Freeze.

It's worth noting that the exact nature of the perceived slight and the subsequent fallout is still unclear, as both parties have made conflicting claims. However, it's clear that the incident has sparked a heated debate about respect, legacy, and the importance of honoring one's elders in the music industry.

What are your thoughts on this controversy? Do you think Majek Fashek was justified in his response, or do you think Daddy Freeze was unfairly targeted?