Nigerias agric minister says rice demand short by four million tonnes

That's an interesting piece of news!

According to reports, Nigeria's Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dr. Mohammad Abubakar, has stated that the country's rice demand is short by four million tonnes. This is a significant gap, considering Nigeria is one of the largest rice-consuming countries in the world.

The minister made this announcement during a meeting with stakeholders in the agricultural sector, where he emphasized the need for increased rice production to meet the country's growing demand. He also highlighted the importance of self-sufficiency in rice production, citing the benefits of reducing reliance on imported rice and creating jobs for Nigerians.

The four million tonnes shortage is a significant challenge, especially considering that Nigeria's rice production has been growing steadily in recent years. However, the country still relies heavily on imports to meet its rice demand, with estimates suggesting that over 70% of the rice consumed in Nigeria is imported.

To address this shortage, the minister has called for increased investment in rice production, particularly in the areas of irrigation, mechanization, and research and development. He has also emphasized the need for collaboration between the public and private sectors to achieve the goal of self-sufficiency in rice production.

Overall, this announcement highlights the importance of agriculture in Nigeria's economy and the need for sustained efforts to increase food production and reduce reliance on imports.