Cow and gate new packaging 2018

A blast from the past! Cow & Gate is a well-known baby food brand in the UK, and they did indeed introduce new packaging in 2018.

The new packaging design aimed to make the brand more modern, fresh, and appealing to parents. Here are some key changes:

  1. Simplified design: The new packaging features a cleaner, more minimalist design with a focus on the brand's iconic cow logo.
  2. Brighter colors: The packaging now features a palette of bright, cheerful colors to make it more appealing to parents and babies alike.
  3. Easier-to-read labels: The new design includes larger text and clearer labeling to make it easier for parents to quickly identify the product and its contents.
  4. Sustainable materials: Cow & Gate committed to using more sustainable materials in their packaging, including recyclable materials and reduced plastic usage.
  5. New font: The brand introduced a new font, which is more modern and easy to read.

The new packaging was rolled out across the Cow & Gate range, including their baby food jars, pouches, and other products. The changes were designed to make the brand more appealing to parents and to better reflect the company's values of quality, nutrition, and sustainability.

Do you have a favorite Cow & Gate product or memory associated with the brand?