Educational requirements to start a new toastmasters club

To start a new Toastmasters club, you'll need to meet the educational requirements set by Toastmasters International. Here are the steps:

  1. Complete the Club Sponsorship Application: You'll need to submit an application to Toastmasters International to sponsor a new club. This application requires you to provide information about your club, including its purpose, goals, and expected membership.
  2. Meet the Educational Requirements: You'll need to complete the following educational requirements:
    • Club Sponsor Training: You'll need to complete a 2-hour online training course, which covers the basics of club sponsorship, club development, and leadership.
    • Club Sponsor Manual: You'll need to read and complete the Club Sponsor Manual, which provides guidance on starting and developing a new club.
    • Club Sponsor Certification: After completing the training and manual, you'll need to pass a certification exam to demonstrate your understanding of the material.
  3. Complete the Club Development Process: Once you've completed the educational requirements, you'll need to complete the club development process, which includes:
    • Club Charter Application: You'll need to submit an application to Toastmasters International to charter your new club.
    • Club Development Plan: You'll need to create a plan outlining your club's goals, objectives, and strategies for growth and development.
    • Club Sponsor Support: You'll need to provide ongoing support and guidance to your new club as it develops and grows.

Additional Requirements:


Overall, the educational requirements to start a new Toastmasters club typically take around 6-9 months to complete. However, the exact timeline may vary depending on your pace and the complexity of your club development process.