Court throws out dasukis application to stop trial

It seems like you're referring to a recent news article about the trial of Dasuki, a former National Security Adviser in Nigeria.

To provide more context, Dasuki was arrested in 2015 and charged with money laundering, misappropriation of public funds, and other financial crimes. He has been accused of embezzling billions of naira from the Nigerian government and using the funds to finance political campaigns and other personal interests.

According to reports, Dasuki had filed an application to stop his trial, citing alleged bias and irregularities in the proceedings. However, the court has now thrown out his application, allowing the trial to continue.

It's worth noting that Dasuki's trial has been marked by controversy and allegations of political interference. Many have criticized the government for what they see as a selective prosecution of political opponents, while others have questioned the fairness and transparency of the judicial process.

As the trial continues, it will be interesting to see how the court handles the evidence presented against Dasuki and whether he is ultimately found guilty of the charges against him.