Cost of return flight from london to new york

The cost of a return flight from London to New York can vary greatly depending on several factors such as:

  1. Time of year: Prices tend to be higher during peak travel seasons (June to August and December) and lower during off-peak seasons.
  2. Airlines: Different airlines offer different prices, with budget airlines like Norwegian and WOW Air often being cheaper than traditional carriers like British Airways and American Airlines.
  3. Class of travel: Economy, premium economy, business, and first class tickets have different price points.
  4. Flexibility: Being flexible with your travel dates and times can help you find cheaper flights.
  5. Booking in advance: Booking well in advance can often result in lower prices.

That being said, here are some approximate return flight prices from London to New York:

Economy Class

Premium Economy

Business Class

First Class

Please note that these are rough estimates and prices can vary depending on the specific airlines, routes, and travel dates. I recommend checking with airlines or flight comparison websites like Skyscanner, Kayak, or Google Flights to get a better idea of the current prices.