Cost of refinishing hardwood floors vs new floors

The age-old debate: refinishing hardwood floors vs installing new hardwood floors. Both options have their pros and cons, and the cost can vary depending on several factors. Here's a breakdown to help you make an informed decision:

Refinishing Hardwood Floors:



  1. Preserves the original character and charm of the floors
  2. Environmentally friendly (reduces waste and preserves existing materials)
  3. Can be done in stages, allowing you to refinish one room at a time
  4. Can be a DIY project, saving on labor costs


  1. May not completely eliminate scratches, dents, or discoloration
  2. Requires significant preparation and sanding, which can be time-consuming and messy
  3. May not be suitable for floors with severe damage or rot

Installing New Hardwood Floors:



  1. New floors can be installed with modern finishes and designs
  2. Can be installed over existing subfloors, eliminating the need for extensive preparation
  3. Can be a more cost-effective option for larger areas or rooms with complex layouts
  4. Can be installed with advanced features like underlayment and soundproofing


  1. Requires removing the existing flooring, which can be costly and time-consuming
  2. May not be suitable for homes with historic or architectural significance
  3. Can be a more invasive process, requiring more disruption to daily life


Ultimately, the decision between refinishing and installing new hardwood floors depends on your specific situation, budget, and priorities. It's essential to consult with a professional to assess the condition of your floors and provide a more accurate estimate for both options.